5 Things Successful Dog Trainers
I hope you've enjoyed the top 5 things NOT to do and have some things to think about =) I'll soon be releasing a talk on this on Something To Trot About, so if podcasts are more your thing, check it out.
If you missed one, here they all are:
#5 - Compare to Others
The 5th very important thing successful dog trainers don't do, or at least try not to do, is compare ourselves and our dogs to others.
Especially with social media, this can be SO hard! You see other people with their dogs, maybe the same age, same breed, or even a littermate, and they are out there living their best life, posting gorgeous photos all over Insta.
Firstly, what we see on social media isn't real. People show what they want others to see.
We are coached to stay positive, think positive, put positive vibes out there... and don't complain, don't be negative, don't focus on the bad stuff. So what you see on social media, really isn't the whole picture. Many people don't share their struggles or their failures, only a little glimpse of the best of the best.
The other piece is that you are unique, your dog is unique, and your journey is unique. You will get to where you are going, but it might not be along the same path another person and their dog takes.
Be patient, be happy for others who have successes, and find your tribe. Find a group of people whom you trust and who have your back. Find people who will cheer for you when you have little successes. We do this in the Deep Dives and it's wonderful to see.
I hope you have enjoyed this little series. Please reach out if you have any questions and don't forget to check out the other free resources below.