5 Things Successful Dog Trainers
Wait a minute, aren't we supposed to phrase things in a positive way? Tell you what TO do rather than what NOT to do?
Here's the catch, even when we do all of the right things, if we are still practicing bad habits our training won't progress.
Over the next few days, I will share the top 5 things NOT to do =) I'll also be chatting about this on Something To Trot About, so stay tuned!
#1 - Assigning Blame
Blaming our dog isn't productive.
Or FAIR. Particularly when we are overwhelmed or frustrated, it is easy to slip into blaming our dog for acting out in ways that are uncontrollable, unpredictable, or simply embarrassing.
If we watch social media it is easy to find people who tell us to blame our dogs. Our dog SHOULD know by now right? Or you'll hear labels indicating our dogs are intentionally disobeying, being dominant, alpha, or a slew of other emotionally-loaded words.
Be very careful about where you get your information. Absolutely anyone with an opinion is allowed to make a social media account ;) The number of followers a person has often correlates more to their showmanship skills rather than actual dog training skills and knowledge.
Blaming ourselves isn't productive.
Or fair either =) You didn't cause your dog's reactivity. Period.
Many many dogs have less than ideal homes and are not reactive. Some of the dogs I see.... I honestly can't believe that they haven't bitten someone. But there they are just being wonderful, tolerating all kinds of inappropriate handling or living situations.
Reactivity is in large part (In my opinion) due to a genetic predisposition combined with many other factors. It is not your fault.
Other people to blame
It also isn't productive to blame that one person who scared our dog when they were young, the breeder, how they were transported.. you get the picture. Assigning blame is not productive and is a waste of our mental and emotional resources.
From blame comes punishment.
Effective dog trainers know that punishing the dog (or the dog guardian) is counterproductive. Punishment can be physical such as a yank on the leash, hitting, pinning, a scruff shake, or can involve tools like prong and e-collars. No good training plan includes the use of any of these things.
Caveat here - in an emergency, of course you grab your dog if they are about to jump into a highway, or do something dangerous. There is a HUGE difference between doing damage control in the moment versus making a training plan that intentionally causes pain or fear.
Punishment can also be verbal or emotional. Some people yell or 'shame' their dog. Some people punish their dogs by isolating them or by withholding treats or affection.
Some very well meaning people punish themselves if there is a mistake and our dog has a reaction or a really hard time. We are all doing the best we can with the resources we have. Please don't beat yourself up.
Mistakes happen. Unexpected events happen. We learn from our mistakes and move on, doing better the next time.
Often punishment comes out when we are frustrated - when us humans don't know what to do, we resort to punishment. If it is really hard for you to not blame you dog or yourself and you have chatted with your trainer about it, I am a big fan of therapy. Professionals know how to help us with this!