Do You Ever Feel stuck?
Do you feel paralyzed? Does fear of making mistakes hold you back from even trying?
Are you overwhelmed trying to remember all of the things you're supposed to watch and all of the things you're supposed to do?
You matter! You and your dog are a team.
I'm sure you've heard that we need to break behaviours down into small pieces that our dogs can learn. We break skills and games down into pieces to set our dogs up for success.
Don't forget to do that for yourself as well. This is just as important as breaking skills down for our dogs. You matter too.
Often, we are forgotten in the training plan, sometimes because we want so badly to progress, so badly to be able to do all the things, that we aren't kind to ourselves. We set ourselves up to fail.
Our dog's reactivity will progress much more quickly if we remember that we are a team, if we remember to be as kind to ourselves as are are to our dog.
We do a lot of this in the Deep Dives with our daily check ins.
Break skills down and practice the games in scenarios where the whole team can succeed.