Hey.. That's not fair!

If you live in a home with multiple pets, it is tempting to try to always be 'fair'. If one dog is allowed on the couch, the others should be too. Right? Actually nope, that's not true.

Each dog has their own particular set of needs. How much exercise and how much food a dog needs often makes sense to people. Individual needs extends to more than that though. The amount of sleep or quiet time, affection, space all vary by dog.

I could take my border collies to a class and a hike 5 days a week, and they would be happy. My little Riker though needs more stay at home days than going out days or he is anxious, tired, and downright cranky.

What does a dog need in order to feel safe?

Some dogs are confident and comfortable in their selves. Dogs that struggle with anxiety are prone to needing more rest, less training, more one-on-one time, and more space from other dogs.

Riker LOVES to play tug and keep away games with his favourite humans and a soft toy. He rarely chews holes in even the softest, cheapest toy. His border collie siblings destroy the same toys in less than a minute. So they don't get to play with them.

These are Riker's special toys and are off limits to the other dogs in our homes. The border collies don't care, as long as I am consistent with the rules. Dogs only struggle when we are inconsistent or unclear in our training, or when their own needs aren't being met.

Riker also gets to sleep in bed with us, and if he is on the couch, another dog is not allowed to jump up beside him. These rules help Riker feel safe and secure in our home. And trust me, the border collies appreciate it when we ensure Riker is not stressed ;)

Living in a home with multiple dogs means identifying each individuals needs and ensuring they all have what they need in order to be happy and healthy in a potentially exciting and busy home.

Did you hear?

I have two new offerings! These are designed to help people who have dogs who fight at home. Want to check out my tried and true methods for helping dogs learn how to get along? Sign up for the free webinar.

Ready to get personalized help with your dogs? Check out the Deep Dive.

Hope to see you soon!


2738 Holden Corso Rd, Nanaimo, BC v9x 1n5
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Positive Dog

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