Are you tired? Is your dog tired?

I get a lot of calls that go something like this:

  • "My dog is so unpredictable. They love snuggling, but sometimes they snap when we go near them on the couch."


  • "My puppy is great about their chews/food/toys, but every now and then if I go too close, they snap. I don't understand why!"


  • "My dog was doing great! This summer though, something changed. It's like they are a different dog. They are snapping and cranky all the time."

And then I ask a few questions:

  1. How much sleep does your dog get during the day?
  2. Do they have a quiet space to rest?
  3. Does your dog watch the front windows watching for people to bark at?
  4. Are the outbursts usually in the evening?
  5. Have you been home more? Kids been out of school? Has your summer schedule been busier than usual?

Quite often, the answers to these questions tell me that your dog isn't getting enough rest.

Just like us, if a dog is tired, especially if this goes on for weeks or months, we will likely end up with a cranky dog!

Rest is Required for Learning

When a dog doesn't get enough rest, they aren't set up to learn. Learning new things, particularly for anxious or reactive dogs takes a lot of brain power!

Check out this message from a student. Her dog was spending his day watching the other dogs in case they got out of line, and watching the front door for potential murderers. We started putting him in a bedroom for naps daily so he could truly relax.

I wanted to let you know you were spot on about getting enough rest.. since putting him away every other work day he stays in my room instead of run of the house. He is less agitated and grumbly with the dogs and us.
His progress since you helped me with him just continues and I am so grateful, I now hike with him with 5 other dogs .. 3 new to him friends and have added 2 new humans to his friend list as well. I never thought the human part would happen. He's a happy boy.
We went camping with people he didn't know and also again had a wonderful time and he behaved himself as long as the humans I make sure know his limits he was amazing and could be around them without issue.. and me no stress

Resting is a Skill

For a lot of dogs, and humans too (Me!!), resting is difficult and does not come naturally. Whether they are anxious or just have FOMO, many dogs become hypervigilant throughout the day, then crash when they are completely exhausted.

Crates can be used to help dogs relax, but I'm not a fan of dogs spending hours in a crate. A bedroom, laundry room, garage, or other quiet space set up with water, some toys, chews, and a couple of comfy sleeping options is ideal.

Be sure to take a day or two every week to rest. Stay home and chill with your dog. Read a book, watch some Netflix, or just sit in the yard and enjoy the nice fall weather while we still can.


In case you missed the announcement and are wondering what this is all about, I am so excited to offer this FREE Webinar on Leash Reactivity. So many of you struggle to walk your dogs and I find myself sharing the same information over and over again with each new student. We will address the commonly missed key parts of fixing leash reactivity and getting you back enjoying walks.

It makes us so much more confident when we know how to help our dogs and how to give them the skills so they can enjoy their walks too!

P.S. Right after the webinar, I'll be opening the doors to LEASH REACTIVITY DEEP-DIVE, my group mentorship program in which I spend 8 weeks with a small group of people struggling with leash reactivity.

Because this is a custom experience and I get to know each of you and your dogs intimately, space is limited! We will sell out. Be sure to read all the details ahead of time so you're ready with any questions you might have!

I hope to see you soon!


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2738 Holden Corso Rd, Nanaimo, BC v9x 1n5
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Positive Dog

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